Event: Salt Lake Symposium 2009

SL09263 The “LDS” Purity Myth [Partial]

The LDS Church has long advocated virginity and sexual abstinence until marriage. Has virginity become a type of cult? This paper will also explore the connection between chastity and pornography for both men and women. What happens when a woman’s primary value is sexual, through motherhood, wifedom, and chastity? Is there a way to defend …

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SL09324 Tradition and Progress: Elaine Cannon

This presentation focuses on the contributions made by Elaine Anderson Cannon to the lives of LDS women, to their understanding of their worth and duty, and to the broader Church’s conceptual grasp of woman’s divinity—including our relationship with the Divine Feminine. I will touch on both her life-long career as a writer, propelled by her …

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SL09363 The Treachery of the Heretic

Conflict within religions is often far more potentially damaging than disagreements between them. At the heart of intra-religious conflict is the feeling of betrayal. The heretic is a member of the family who has chosen to destroy the family from within. This treachery is personal. But it feels different for the heretic, who feels she …

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SL09326 Panel: Online Lesson Resources

The explosion of online publishing has created a proliferation of lesson helps, hints, and resources for the LDS teacher. These span an enormous range of ortho- and heterodoxies and offer a fascinating picture of how Correlation works (and doesn’t) in the 21st century. Join creators and users of some of these resources for a discussion …

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