SL07141: Stand-up comedy – MORMON MEETS WORLD

Stand-up comedy – MORMON MEETS WORLD BENGT WASHBURN “killed” during his lunchtime set at last year’s Sunstone symposium. We had to have him back! After nine years of toil, his bank account and resumé were inferior to those of a trained monkey. Since he switched to comedy, Bengt has performed in comedy clubs and on college campuses all over the United States. In 2001, he won the prestigious San Francisco International Comedy Competition. Bengt has two DVDs, Mormon Meets World and Hell Bengt (both of which will be available at the performance), which contain hilarious musings on his upbringing in a small Mormon family (seven kids) in a large Mormon town (2,000 people) in Utah, of his psychiatrist father and his mother with a penchant for weird names, and of his LDS mission to Seattle, Washington. Bengt’s two DVDs, Mormon Meets World and Hell Bengt will be available for purchase at the performance.