Speaker: Darron T. Smith


MORMONISM AND BLACKS: TAKING A CURRENT PULSE Approaching the issue of Mormonism and race through multiple disciplines, panelists will offer a progress report on how far Mormonism has come in realizing the Book of Mormon ideal of all people being treated “alike unto God,” especially black Americans. Where have LDS efforts succeeded? What areas must …

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‘They Have Their Place’: Race And Identity In The Mormon Church

Through interrogating stories told by white Latter-day Saints to explain racial difference and justify subordinating and excluding people of color from full participation in the Church, this panel seeks to understand the past and present “place” of people of color in Mormonism, including how minority members and converts were and are viewed, understood, conceptualized, and …

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Beyond the 1978 Revelation

This panel explores the paradoxical situation of African-Americans within the Church since 1978 and the ambivalence about the roles assigned to blacks. As Church officials attempt to reach out to blacks through missionary efforts in predominantly black areas, many white Latter-day Saints continue to embrace and even promote certain racist concepts. How have these ideas …

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How to be an Anti-Racist in a Racist Society

Many well-intentioned people are unaware of how central issues of race are to their lives. This session will try to help facilitate a new understanding of racism, i.e., that racism is not just about committing individual acts of aggression but rather is a consciousness situated in a long history of oppression and discrimination. The presentation’s …

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