Speaker: Janice Allred


The feminist slogan, “the personal is political,” calls attention to the profound relationship between power structures and personal life. Personal problems are often rooted in political, economic, cultural, and religious systems. Section 121 of the Doctrine and Covenants warns us that even divinely ordained power can be abused. This panel will look at power structures …

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President Hinckley has told us that Jesus Christ forbids our praying to Heavenly Mother. But heavenly parents who refuse communication with their children seem unworthy of their status as gods, and a mother who will not hear or acknowledge her children is not a helpful role model for Latterday Saints. Therefore, there must be some …

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Panel: The Message of Christ, the First Christian

This panel will discuss Christ’s messages to his historic and contemporary followers and explore the impact of Christ’s teachings on the individual, the family, the tribe, and the human power structures in which we all operate. Jacob Baker, Janice Allred, Mark Thomas, Michael J. Stevens, moderator Paul Toscano

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Either/Or: Parables Of The Kingdom

Embodiment is essential to Mormon ontology. Even God has a body, and eternal life is lived in a physical body in a physical environment in social relationships with other embodied beings. Nevertheless, Mormon salvation discourse has not fully recognized the importance of the physical in salvation. Focusing on the kingdom of heaven opens up questions …

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SL10162: Whose Wife Will She Be? Marriage, Embodiment, and Salvation

The relationship between faith and works provides the framework for much theological reflection on the Christian doctrine of salvation. Although Mormon writers address salvation from this perspective, they usually do so in dialogue with the larger Christian community. Within contemporary Mormonism, discourse about salvation tends to focus on teachings about eternal marriage and the eternal …

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SL10175: Eternal Perdition? Bureaucratic Limbo? The Theological Ramifications of Excommunication

The Church Handbook of Instructions explains in detail the mechanics of excommunication but says little about its theological import. Our panelists, several of whom have been excommunicated, will explore the theological and spiritual ramifications of this ultimate Church sanction. Why does excommunication not require a ritual? If blessings are “restored” to an excommunicated person who …

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