Speaker: Sonja Farnsworth

Enjoying the Temple with Fresh Eyes

For many, the Mormon temple experience is first jarring, then inspiring, and eventually repetitive, dull, and monotonous. How might we enliven temple worship and service? Are there ways of approaching it that can add life, personal and communal empowerment, and richer views and experiences? Meet three people for whom this answer is a resounding yes. …

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IMAGE AND REALITY: THE MANY FACES OF MORMON WOMEN The concept of face invites us to consider several contrasting pairs that define face: appearance vs. reality, public vs. private, open vs. hidden, engaged vs. withdrawn, present vs. past, and ideal vs. real. What are the stereotypes about Mormon women, and how well do these images …

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Hidden Envy And Competition Among LDS Women

Hidden Envy And Competition Among LDS Women Julie Mounteer Hawker’s Sunstone article “Toward a More Authentic Sisterhood: Unmasking Hidden Envy and Competition among LDS Women” brings into the open some of the tensions and paradoxes in women’s relationships, in general and how they play out in the LDS Church. Why is it that women who …

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The Authoritarian Temptation

There is a bi-directional “social contract” of sorts between individuals and the Church, not just a one-way commitment from the member to the Church. This paper asks what changes of attitude and actions of Church members are needed to restore a respectful balance of power between the individual and the Church. Francis Nelson Henderson, Sonja …

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