Event: Salt Lake Symposium 2017

Rise Strong After Divorce

Divorce affects over 50% of families in the Mormon community. The resulting trauma quickly buries family members in a swamp of shame and loss. It is possible to rise strong and wise after divorce and learn new “mountain climbing” skills. How can individuals reach out and assist others in this climb toward healing and growth? …

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Why We Stay

This perennially well-received session features the stories of those who have chosen to remain active, dedicated Latter-day Saints even in the face of challenges to traditional faith. Robin Linkhart John Gustav-Wrathall Maxine Hanks Nathan McCluskey

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Millennial Mormons: A Fundamentalist Perspective

Studies show that more and more youth are leaving religion, so what keeps young adults in a fundamentalist faith? This panel will discuss personal experiences of youth from from Christ Church Inc., a break-off group from the Apostolic United Brethren (AUB). Alia Peterson Katherine Horner Dana Peterson Caleb Horner Joshua Horner Jonathan Olsen Joseph Wright …

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Revelation Through Hallucination

Given the unique psychoactive effects and abundant availability of myriad entheogens, there exists evidence that Joseph Smith used plant medicines to incite visions and personal revelations for himself and his parishioners. This model provides a much-needed naturalistic explanation for multiple instances of visionary experiences in Mormon history which have previously been explained with group-hallucination psychology …

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An “Anthropic” Theodicy: Where There Is a Loving, All-powerful God, Must the Natural World Be as Violently Destructive of Life as Our World Is?

Natural disasters such as earthquakes spread misery, especially affecting the most vulnerable. How God allows this to happen remains a major obstacle to people’s faith. Could it be these are a necessary part in keeping a planet like the earth habitable? This presentation will explore the following argument: 1. Humans with rational free agency can …

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Extraordinary Ordinary Women

Laurel Thatcher Ulrich’s well-known aphorism, “Well-behaved women seldom make history,” was initially meant not to call attention to the importance of unconventional women’s lives, but to the importance of ordinary women’s lives. This panel will explore the lives of women, both ordinary and extraordinary, that help us better understand our past, give us insights into …

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(In)Active Mormon Women: An Ethnodrama

Inspired by her own faith journey, Janice created this play by interviewing fifteen inactive Mormon women through a group interview process called a story circle. The story circles were audio recorded, transcribed, and then compiled into a performance script—every word in the script comes directly from these women’s experiences following their spiritual journey away from …

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