President Hinckley has told us that Jesus Christ forbids our praying to Heavenly Mother. But heavenly parents who refuse communication with their children seem unworthy of their status as gods, and a mother who will not hear or acknowledge her children is not a helpful role model for Latterday Saints. Therefore, there must be some method available in Mormon belief and practice for communicating with God the Mother; perhaps writing letters is an acceptable means? In this session, participants will read short prepared letters (three to four minutes) to God the Mother as a way of talking to and about her. An LDS feminist theologian will offer an invocation at its beginning and bless it at its conclusion. Rather than Q&A, there will be open mic time for audience members to read short letters they’ve written.

Holly Welker, Janice Allred, Chelsi Archibald, Cheryl Bruno, Doe Daughtrey, Ellen Decoo, Jennifer Duque, Melanny Eva Henson, Mary Ellen Robertson, Renee Shaw, Tiffany M. Singer, Margaret Toscano, Kaimipono Wenger, Rachel Mabey Whipple