Why Mormons Should Celebrate Holy Week

Why Mormons Should Celebrate Holy Week The week between Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem and his triumphant resurrection from the dead is the most significant week in human history. Beginning with the early church, Christians celebrated the events of this week and for two millennia they have been the focus of annual celebrations of what has been called the Passion of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Beginning with Palm Sunday and moving through Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday, Christians throughout the world mark the last great events in Christ’s life. All of these holy days lead us to the great drama of Easter Sunday when the angel rolled back the stone from the tomb and said to his disciples, ‘He is not here, for he is risen.” Latter-day Saints celebrate the last of these holy days, but not the others, and yet there is no doctrinal reason why we cannot join with other Christians in offering our devotions throughout this week. His presentation offers an historical overview of Holy Week and presents the case that Latter-day Saints, especially with the Church’s new emphasis on being the Church of Jesus Christ, should join with other Christians in making this an annual holy festival.

Robert A. Rees, Kathleen Flake