The Anthropic Argument, Mormon Finitism, and the Argument from Design: A Re-examination.

The Anthropic Argument, Mormon Finitism, and the Argument from Design: A Re-examination. The ‘argument from design” has long provided theists with a sufficient proof of God’s existence. This paper briefly examines and explores the outline and implications of this, Thomas Aquinas’s fifth proof. Next, it probes the outlines of the anthropic argument itself (deemed “mere cynicism” by its critics). Finally, it asks if either argument fits into the scope of traditional Mormon metaphysical finitism. Can the existence of God can be proved through such argumentation? How? And, if so, what divine characteristics might be revealed if we were to more closely examine nature and its design? Sponsor: Element: An E-Journal of Mormon Philosophy and Theology

Mark S. Gustavson, Eric K. Gustavson